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Who we are...

Established in June of 2018, Brave Breed Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non profit corporation dedicated to rescuing and re-homing all dog breeds that enter our care. Brave Breed Rescue, Inc. is located in West Milton, Ohio. From that location, we have great devotion towards rescuing dogs and finding them loving homes where they receive the care and respect that they so greatly deserve. Brave Breed Rescue, Inc. was started for several key reasons, I will touch on those key reasons below:


1. To be a helping hand in the fight against animal mistreatment, and to fight back against the extremely high amount of unnecessary euthanasia that is taking place across the world and is especially concentrated in our own local cities and state.


2. Everyone involved with Brave Breed Rescue, Inc. has an immense amount of experience in dog rescue and adoption. We have seen many different operations do amazing things that we want to implement and practice. We have also seen things that were not so hot, and need to be fixed and addressed. We are going to be operating in a manner that is our own. We have goals and practices in place that make us different. But that difference is what we believe will allow us to successfully rescue and re-home an extremely high amount of well behaved, loving, family member like, best friend-esque, dogs.

3. We wanted to start a rescue that is geared toward the dogs. We don't want or need to be flashy. Everything we do and every decision we make is with the dogs best interest in mind. We don't want glory, we want to save the lives of dogs who need our help.

So what are the things that make us different?


The biggest thing that we are implementing across every dog that enters our rescue, is behavioral training. We have a dog behavioralist apart of our team, John Nugent II, who is a serious difference maker. Believe it or not, not every dog that enters a rescue behaves like an angel. You see all sorts of different temperaments and attitudes. Some dogs have been abused, some have been left alone their whole life, some dogs were born with an impairment. Every dog is different, but every dog that leaves Brave Breed Rescue, Inc. must share one variable, and that is good behavior. It is everything. If a dog jumps when it gets excited, or has bad manors, it will be okay, that is not the behavior we are talking about. But if a dog has aggression in any way toward other dogs, humans, anything, it must be fixed. Aggressive behavior in any form is intolerable. How do we fix that most people ask? The biggest tool is socialization. Getting dogs into environments where they have never been before. Get them around other dogs, around people, into new settings. Safely push the dogs comfort level so that the dog can learn that his new world isn't so bad. When a dog realizes that his environment is safe, he will have a mind at rest, and that is what we are aiming for.

Another thing that makes Brave Breed Rescue, Inc. different is our spay and neuter policy. Spay and neuter is not allowed until the 6 month old mark in Brave Breed Rescue, Inc. Many rescues and shelters will rush this process to cycle dogs through their system faster. Sometimes forcing spay and neuter by month 3. Adopters also want puppies, and they want them spayed or neutered fast to calm the dog down. While we understand why the adopters want this, and why other rescues and shelters push the process towards 3 or 4 months old, we are different. That early stage in a dogs life is extremely vital to the health of the dog. When you spay or neuter to early the body loses the hormones it needs to properly develop and grow. The dog is highly likely to have serious health issues throughout its life because of this action. Pushing this process to month 6 allows for more growth and maturation, and health issues in most cases are going to dwindle.

That is a look at who we are, why we started, and what makes us different. As you continue to look through the website please feel free to reach out to us. All necessary information for that will be on the Contact page or go ahead and simply email us at We would love to answer any and all questions you might have. And we are always open to suggestions as well. We hope you continue to follow Brave Breed Rescue, Inc. as we continue to progress and grow. We would love to have you be a part of what we are doing!

Thank you for reading, and we hope to hear from you soon!

-Brave Breed Rescue, Inc.

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Brave Breed Rescue, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation

Copyright 2018 Brave Breed Rescue, Inc. l West Milton, OH

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